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Kunal Joon

St. Thomas School, India

Title: Antibody therapies for treatment of viruses


Biography: Kunal Joon


DNA forward rolling
Activation all dominant gene on DNA

DNA backward rolling
Activation of all recessive genes on DNA

RNA forward rolling
Studying mRNA formed due to forward rolled DNA

RNA backward rolling
Studying mRNA formed due to backward rolled DNA

Introduction of Nuclear Medicine: Nuclear medicine is made up of the glucose fats proteins and vitamins, huge amount of immune cells with iron oxide. The glucose fats breakdown and release energy, proteins and vitamins build up and repair damaged tissue. Immune cells released in body build up and divide the other immune cells and fight against virus and its infection.

Nuclear medicine affects the virus by increasing and repairing immunity of body by increasing energy in body and by building up the immune cells. An animal who is affected by the virus should take two times a nuclear medicine in an hour, as because immune system takes large time to repair.

Benefits of Nuclear Medicine:

1. Nuclear medicine increases the immunity of the body and also some amount of temperature.

2. Nuclear medicine increases the energy of the body and build up the body muscles.

Side Effect of Nuclear Medicine: Taking large amount of nuclear medicine can lead to increase the large amount of temperature and can even lead to dehydration. The nuclear medicine increases the immunity, energy in the body and even increases the temperature of the body and even build up the immune system strong and even body capacity to fight against the infection.

Nuclear Medicine Design: Energy Doses: It is used to maintain energy balance in patients’ bodies and level the patient’s energy.

Antibodies: This is used to treat virus and kill it. It is used to kill the virus. Designing monoclonal antibodies. Antibodies are designed by DNA forward rolling and DNA backward rolling, we take a particular gene from virus which kills or resists the viral Infection. Treatment of any virus or viral disease can be done through this Medicine.