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Ferdoshe Akter

Ferdoshe Akter

Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock Bangladesh

Title: Surgical correction of ventral abdominal hernia in pigeon- 3


Biography: Ferdoshe Akter


Gossips of typical umbilical hernia are habitually described in ruminants but poetries are not available in ventral abdominal hernia in birds specially, in pigeon. Abdominal hernias have been characterized as a separation in the aponeurosis of the abdominal musculature on the ventral midline. The purpose of this case report is to give an overview about the diagnosis and surgical approach of ventral abdominal hernia in pigeons. Three male king breed pigeons of different ages (5 months – 10 months) and weights (250 g – 600 g) were presented to Upazila livestock office & veterinary hospital, Chakaria, Cox's Bazar from January 2016 to March 2018 with the common history of gradual swelling in the ventral abdominal region. Clinical and radiographic examination confirmed the ventral abdominal hernia and decided for surgical correction. With standard aseptic procedure and 1% lidocaine anaesthesia, coeliotomy was performed in all cases. Postoperatively antibiotic, cefixime was administered for 5 days at the dose rate of 30 mg/kg body weight and monitored until wound healing. The follow up study for one month revealed no complications. The result of this case study recommends that this approach can be used as a curative method for ventral abdominal hernia repair in pigeon.